

BrushnSoapnBlade Wetshaving Podcast – Where we look forward to shaving every day! – Wet Shaving Questions and Feedback always welcome. @BrushnBlade Everything Wet Shaving on Twitter (and other stuff for fun!) (864) 372-6234 on GoogleVoice – The Wet Shaving Hotline, call me anytime   SOTD - Shower Shave pt 1 An Update on Randolph Sunglasses  click on the picture to see them on Amazon SOTD - Shower Shave pt 2 More Gas SOTD - Brush, Soap, Razor (Well, it has a blade!) RazoRock $10 Synthetic Brush! (Normally it's a whopping $12) Mild Razor - Article by Mantic59 at Sharpologist My addition: The RazoRock DE1 ($7...That's right $7 !!!) SOTD Brush, Soap, Razor pt 2