

BrushnSoapnBlade Wetshaving Podcast – Where we look forward to shaving every day! – Wet Shaving Questions and Feedback always welcome.@BrushnBlade Everything Wet Shaving on Twitter (and other stuff for fun!) (864) 372-6234 on GoogleVoice – The Wet Shaving Hotline, call me anytime   An email from Joe - Joe's eBay store for straight razor honing services A SOTD and dang that things sharp! An Awesome mail call and a SOTD Internet out at the Command Post - Call before you dig! Cool Daddy O SOTD - Father's day weekend - seemed appropriate! A word from a company trying to get some traction   The Monday SOTD Getting ready for Scout camp Tuesday SOTD and the POTD (Pen of the Day) Relax and Reset!