Build A Badass Business With Diane Sanfilippo

#22: Hustle is an investment in your future.



To any of my entrepreneurs out there, some thoughts for your Monday... This weekend, I talked about HUSTLE over on Periscope. Watch it here - Please don't misunderstand my take on hustle for a dismissal of quality time with friends and family. Or time taken for your health as in meal prep or exercise/movement.Hustle is what divides the time that everyone has outside of those things to choose to use in various ways. Some choose to watch television, or surf the web, or get extra time socializing, partying, what have you. If you have a family to take care of, certainly your time for these things is even shorter, which is why focus when you are spending time on your business is even more critical.  When you are starting a business or are in the early stages before you have hit whatever level of success you are seeking, if you want to achieve things, you don't have the luxury of extra time to relax. I'm sorry, but that's the truth.  I've never me