Be Bold With Beth Whitman

106 ~ Beth Whitman with Beth Baker on Why We Run, Music and More



Today’s conversation is a bit different for several reasons. First, a portion of this episode was initially featured on Beth Baker's podcast, Why We Run. I so enjoyed that conversation that I wanted to include the full-length version here. So in this episode, the tables are turned a bit and Beth Baker is asking ME the questions. But there’s something else that’s a bit different about this episode. It’s recorded while we are running. So you’re going to hear a lot of heavy breathing throughout our conversation. And you’re going to hear ambient noise and us talking about the bunnies and other things going on around us. I wanted to keep that in because that’s what happens when you’re running. You notice things. Beth and I talk about a lot of different things here and there are a ton of links in the show notes with more information. I think there are more links than I’ve ever had to add before. But I think that’ll make for a very informative and interesting listen. Also, not too long after we recorded this I had B