Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

21 Maura Sweeney - How to be Happier by Being Authentically You



Have you ever felt like the life you’ve created is somehow limiting? Have you ever pushed down those feelings that you were meant for something different, something greater? When we do that, we dull our natural brilliance. We silence our authentic self. And, we set ourselves up for a struggle to find our happiness. The good news, it’s never too late to change course and start living an authentic life. To honor your true self and start doing what you really want with your life. My guest on this episode of the Brilliant You podcast is proof of that. She’s embraced transition in her life; each time stepping into roles she knew she was born to be in. And, happiness followed. Maura Sweeney is an author, podcaster, international speaker, and is the Ambassador of Happiness. She’s lived her life creating work that serves her brilliance. She also had the courage to recognize when her path had taken a turn toward purposelessness. Now, she helps people reconnect with their own purpose in life and gives them the inspirat