Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

15 Dr. Sarah Cairns - Is Your Past Subconsciously Hurting Your Confidence?



There are a lot of ways our confidence can be derailed. Some of them are obvious, and some of them are tied up in our personal history and remain a mystery to us. Have you ever considered how minor traumas from your past might be interfering with your confidence and success? As you may know - I’m all about building confidence in entrepreneurs so that they can be the powerhouse women they are meant to be. But, sometimes, even when they are doing everything right - they still can’t conquer the confidence issue. It wasn’t until I met today’s guest that I realized there’s another arena where this happens. It has to do with weight, body image, and our relationship with food. Dr. Sarah Cairns is a psychologist who specializes in EMDR which is a type of therapy that looks at longstanding psychological triggers. Through her work, she’s been able to help people let go of traumas (both big and small) that have influenced their relationship with food, weight, and body image. In this episode of the Brilliant You podcast