Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

07 Carrie Roldan - How to Access your True Strengths as an Entrepreneur



What if your strengths were actually your weaknesses and your weaknesses were you strengths? Would it change the way you run your business or maybe even change your business entirely? Many women create their business based on what they’re good at. And then they struggle to stay passionate about their work. If that sounds like you, then you may be misinterpreting what your strengths really are. And that may mean that you are not living in your truth. This is part of the brilliance that my guest on this episode of the Brilliant You Podcast shares with us. She helps us shift our mindset around using our true strengths and weaknesses to build a business we are truly passionate about. Carrie Roldan has been doing this as a coach by assuming the role of Business BFF (which is also the name of her podcast). She helps female entrepreneurs find themselves in their business and ensure that they are living in their truth. She does this by asking the right questions, introducing clients to their future self, and encourag