Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

01 Kim Carpenter - How to be a Woman Who Changes the World



Have you ever looked at the social media of a fellow business women doing their thing in some tropical location and felt a pang of jealousy? My guest today was on the other side of that jealousy when she ran her consulting business from Bali. But, paradise didn’t last. I couldn’t be more thrilled to share my conversation with powerhouse business woman and coach, Kim Carpenter. In this episode of Brilliant You, she shares what went wrong with her perfect digital nomad life and how that obstacle (and several more) forced her back onto the path she belonged. Plus, we travel to the future so we can envision the world we want to start building today. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your business; if you’re telling yourself lies about why you can’t make your dreams come true; if you’re getting in your own way - you need to hear Kim’s story! She reveals how the roadblocks just kept coming until she was willing to go after her true purpose. She also shares how she had to look in the mirror and admit she wasn’t