On Health: The Art Of Living With Kathy Smith | Fitness | Health | Longevity | Wellness | Motivation

Osteoporosis in Women: Bone Strengthening Guidelines | Dr. John Jaquish



Aging comes subtly. Sometimes, the changes might feel like joint stiffness in your hip or shoulder, or sometimes the signs are stooping posture, increasing belly fat and loss of muscle mass... those changes are easy to see and feel. Yet other changes are completely hidden. I hear over and over again from my friends and listeners that after their annual bone-density scan, they’ve been diagnosed with thinning bones. It’s expected that by 2020, half of all American men and women over the age of 50 will have, or will be at risk of developing osteoporosis of the hip... and even more will be at risk of developing it elsewhere. What if I told you that you can increase your bone density and actually reverse bone loss with a technique that requires only 10 minutes a week. Are you listening now? It seems unbelievable! Make sure you listen to this show all the way to the end, because today’s guest Dr. John Jaquish has developed a device that’s placed in over 300 clinics worldwide. These clinics, called Osteostrong, focu