Hpa Podcast With David Nolan

Episode 39 - Menno Henselmans - Metabolic Damage, Reverse Dieting, Genetic, & Chasing Your Passion



In this episode, David is joined by the founder of Bayesian Bodybuilding, Menno Henselmans.    Menno was once a high-level business consultant who specialized in advanced statistical data analysis. Menno then traded in his business life to chase his passion of coaching.  In this episode David and Menno discuss;   Topic 1: Metabolic damage and reverse dieting   Q1. What are the thoughts behind the concept of metabolic damage?   Q2. What does the current body of evidence say about the concept of metabolic damage?    Q3. Does the concept of reverse dieting have any merit? Why?            Topic 2: The role of genetics   Q5. What impact do genetics have on the rate of progression in muscle and strength gains?   Q6. How do we know / predict our genetic potential?   Q7. Do genetics play a role in our ability to lose fat / fat distribution?   Topic 3: Business development   Q8. How important is following your passion to your success?    Q9. What should people consider before beginning an online fitness business?    F