Hpa Podcast With David Nolan

Episode 23 - Brad Loomis 3DMJ - Periodisation for the advanced athlete, minimising strength loss when dieting & unexpected roles of the coach.



This week David had the pleasure of being joined by Brad Loomis of 3D muscle journey.  Brad Loomis first stepped on the competitive bodybuilding stage in 2003. Earning his Pro status in 2008 at the INBF Washington State Naturals, Brad has since competed as a Pro in the PNBA, IFPA and WNBF organizations. Brad also began competing in raw Powerlifting in 2010 achieving a measure of success in both the 165lbs and 181lbs weight classes and earning the Bronze Medal in the 74kg Master 1 class at the 2015 USAPL Raw Nationals.   Despite his accomplishments as a bodybuilder and powerlifter, Brad considers his greatest talent to be coaching. “I have an innate ability to translate the subject and communicate that to the client or athlete whether it is in the classroom, the football field, the weight room, or the cosmetic stage.” Thus, being a Team 3DMJ coach is a “dream job” for Brad as he gets to live his passion and do what he feels he is good at every day. “God gave me this talent and now He has granted me the oppor