Dear Daughters

Praying for Your Children | DD 152



God knows your children and loves them more deeply than you can imagine. He knows what’s best for them and will take care of them. Prayer is a way to invite God to move in the heart of your child and to entrust your child to God. Prayer is an amazingly effective parenting tool. Prayer not only blesses your child but also changes your own heart as a parent. If you’re new here … welcome to the Dear Daughters Podcast July “mini-mester” edition! I’m hosting a month-long series on prayer with my husband (and prayer specialist) Will Davis, Jr. I’m so glad you’re here. Will and I talk about what prayer can do and share prayer promises with scripture when your child is making you anxious or for … your child to walk in the truth and light. your child’s future spouse. your child to love to pray, love to worship, and love God’s Word. your child to hate sin. your child to grow in wisdom. your child to love and follow Jesus. life perspective. a servant’s heart. grace for your child. I pray that your joy is made complete