Dear Daughters

Jesus Now | Corita Kent | DD 145



It’s nearly Easter. And I want to talk about someone today on the podcast who inspires me with her life and art and work. As you know, I have been revisiting my favorite spiritual classics … books written by authors who have fought the good fight and remained faithful to the end. There’s just so much we can learn from them. This week I’m introducing you to Corita Kent. Corita lived from 1918 to 1986. She was an artist, educator, and advocate for social justice.  At 18 years old, she entered the religious order Immaculate Heart of Mary, eventually teaching in and then heading up the art department at Immaculate Heart College.  She created hundreds of beautiful serigraphs because she wanted her art to be affordable and widely available. She didn’t number any of her works because she didn’t want any one print to be more valuable than the others. I have been collecting her work via collaborations with author Leslie Brandt. These are charming books with Corita’s art AND Brandt’s paraphrase of sections of the Bib