Dear Daughters

Let Me Be a Woman | Elisabeth Elliot | DD 144



A sweet listener emailed me and asked if I would feature Elisabeth Elliot on this season of the podcast … well here she is! As you know, I have been revisiting my favorite spiritual classics … books written by authors who have fought the good fight and remained faithful to the end. There’s just so much we can learn from them. Elisabeth Elliot is an amazing woman who lived a faithful life, and I am so excited to share her words with you. Two books I want you to know about are Let Me Be a Woman and Discipline: The Glad Surrender. Here are a few interesting things about her: Elisabeth was born December 27, 1926, in Brussels, Belgium, where her parents served as missionaries. While at the college, she met Jim Elliot. After graduation, Elisabeth went on a missionary expedition to Ecuador with other students from Wheaton, including Jim Elliot. In 1953, Jim and Elisabeth were married and continued to serve in Ecuador. They had a daughter, Valerie Elliot Shepard. Jim was killed by the Auca tribe in Eastern Ecuador.