Dear Daughters

God Calling | A.J. Russell | DD 143



If there is one thing I learned over the last year, it is the importance of stepping back from the news and media to re-engage in a habit of reading spiritual classics. The authors who I’ll be featuring on the podcast have fought the good fight and remained faithful to the end. There’s just so much we can learn from them. I want to invite you to come along with me this season and dive into the wisdom of these faithful followers of Jesus. This is a book that was a stalwart for me while in college at Baylor and I still rely on it today. It is God Calling edited by A.J. Russell. Here are a few things interesting things about this book. A.J. Russell was an editor for a London newspaper in the early 20th century. While we have him to thank for the book, Russell did not write God Calling. Two women met every day to pray and listen for God together. Then they would write down what they heard God say. Those pages became God Calling. There is an entry for every day of the year. The first copy of God Calling was publi