Dear Daughters

Sara Davis Regan | Riverland Tiny Concert | DD 126



Well this is a first! It’s a Tiny Desk Style Concert via Zoom with Sara Davis Regan featuring her brand new album, Riverland. But before we dive into new music, a few things you might not know about Sara: “My family nickname is Aunt Sardie Pants.” “I love trail running.” “I do things I love until I break.” “I am deathly scared of roaches … and splinters.” Need more, listen in to DD Episode ‘Questions to Deepen the Mother-Daughter Relationship’ with Sara. And here we are in Round Top, where we love to shop til we drop. Can’t wait til next Fall when we go back to the Round Top Antiques Fest. SHOW NOTES Visit Sara Davis Regan site here and sign up for her newsletter list! Follow her on Instagram. Join her newsletter here. Sara’s first interview, DD Episode 3 Banjo Ben Clark Also, you might want to listen to this episode (with my other daughter) too! On Mother Daughter Relationships with Emily DD Episode 18 If your heart feels weary, get a FREE Soul Care Kit from me to you! Keep in the know: Sign up for my ne