Dear Daughters

On Creating Healthy Boundaries | DD 78



Can I start with some BIG news that I’ve been dying to talk about …? A precious little boy was born into the world. His name is Caleb David Davis. And he is my grandson. He was born 3 weeks ago. And ohmygracious, he is beautiful. Little blonde fuzzy head. Tiny wonderful human. My heart is exploding. My grandma name is Zuzu. And Will’s name is Bear. Yes, Zuzu and Bear. Sounds like a cartoon or a children’s book. And I love it. Caleb was born the week before Thanksgiving so we’ve been traveling back and forth to Denver to see him. Lots of travel. Lots of wonder. And lots of big feelings for me. All the travel plus the holidays kinda knocked me off center. And it reminded me of the importance those tiny daily things I do that keep me healthy and centered. Like good sleep and daily writing and eating healthy. I was on a call last week with a woman I just adore (I’ll call her Jane) that just completed the Dear Daughters Mentorship Program. Jane asked me some very interesting and poignant questions about navigating