Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Tony TC Hale - Bio-individuality & Kick Your Fat in the Nuts



Tony TC Hale - Bio-individuality & Kick Your Fat in the Nuts On this podcast, we discuss Bio individuality and kicking your fat in the nuts with Author, podcaster, Coach... Tony "TC" Hale: Professional comedian turned natural health practitioner, T.C. Hale (aka Tony), put together this series of books in order to bring health and wellness into a new light… a new non-boring light.  He wanted to bring his experience as a touring comedian into a subject where comedy has not been welcomed in the past.  The question is, why not?  Why can’t we be entertained while we learn something new?  Why can’t learning about physiology be as fun as watching your uncle Mitch wrestle with a live water sprinkler while he’s drunk? Tony recognized the need to bring some funny to the health & wellness world when he was stricken with his own health concern.  With twenty-three doctors and specialist only making him worse, he decided to begin his own research.  After diving into literally hundreds of books on health, nutri