Anatomy Of Living

Leadership & Spirituality - Conversation with Joshua Spodek [Episode 10]



What do x-ray satellites, writing, learning, leadership, art, burpees, entrepreneurship and marathons have to do with one another? They are all part of the diverse life of our special guest: Joshua Spodek. He has led seminars in leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity and sales at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, INSEAD (Singapore), the New York Academy of Science, and at private corporations. He holds five Ivy league degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics, and joins us to talk about his life, spirituality, and how we can all become better leaders.  --- Anatomy of Living Podcast with Ashton Szabo Leadership & Spirituality - Conversation with Joshua Spodek [Episode 10] Credits: Special Guest: Joshua Spodek Producer and Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Intro and Outro Music: Emily Ann Peterson   Ashton Szabo Facebook: Instagram: @anatomyofliving Twitter: AnatomyofLiving