Anatomy Of Living

Tantric Jesus – Conversation with Rev. James Hughes Reho [Episode 01]



Throughout history, there have been many interpretations of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Many of the early Christians viewed the ideal christian life in a very different way than how it is commonly viewed today. By reading the writings of early christian mystics, monks, priests and non canonical christian texts, we find a view of christian spirituality that parallels many of the life affirming views found in Tantra. Join us with ordained Episcopal priest, Reverend James Hughes Reho, as we explore the similarities between early mystical Christianity and Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. Rev. James Hughes Reho is an ordained Episcopal priest with a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Princeton University. He has served on the staff of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami, as the Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Formation at the General Theological Seminary in New York City, and currently pastors a Lutheran-Episcopal church in Fort Myers, Florida. A spiritual director and certified yoga instructor, he leads retre