Mugglenet Academia

MuggleNet Academia Lesson 41: "Light Sabres and Wands"



MuggleNet Academia is a comprehensive insight into the literary thematic elements and scholastic endeavors that author J.K. Rowling has provided in her writings of the Harry Potter and Cormoran Strike series. We look through the entire Harry Potter series for various elements in alchemy, literary components, composition attributes, as well as available classes at Universities and Colleges around the world, and various unique studies that are being implemented today. We also dissect the Cormoran Strike mystery detective series as the books are being released, helping readers understand and appreciate the writings of the modern-day Dickens, J.K. Rowling. In this lesson, we discuss a Galaxy Far Far Away! An exciting discussion on the film and popular culture phenomenon, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and it's influences both from and to the Harry Potter series. We have two Harry Potter pundits who are also expert in the origins, artistry, and meaning of George Lucas’ Star Wars films. We welcome back Dr. Amy H. Stu