James Bond Radio: 007 News, Reviews & Interviews!

The Comics of Bond: Mike Grell Interview



In today’s all new Comics of Bond, JBR episode, Jack Lugo and Dan Gale interview legendary comicbook artist and writer Mike Grell. From 1989-1990 Mike Grell created arguably the best Bond comic original series, Permission To Die. The 3 issue comic reads very much like a lost Bond film delivering an unparalleled reading experience that still holds up very nicely to this very day. Set during the Cold War, Permission To Die finds Bond tasked with rescuing the niece of a scientist with launching technology that can seemingly help serve the interests of western governments. When the scientist turns out to be a megalomaniac hellbent on destruction for what he believes to be the betterment of mankind, Bond must do everything he can to stop him. Grell also wrote and drew the comic book adaptation of Licence To Kill in 1989. Jack and Dan take a deep dive into the story behind Mike Grell’s work on his Bond comics finding out about Grell’s influences, his life, and career. Permission To Die contains a number of ref