Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#068 Sarah Dodson // How to Nurture Your Teens



Sarah loves teens as much as I do, and when I met her 6 months ago, I knew we were kindred spirits. She's right in the thick of things with her 3 teens + pre teen, just like me! She is a nurturer of teens, and it's clear when she shares that her teens friends come over for dinner, and confide in her. I love when she mentioned teens getting a bad rap, and how they deserve to be celebrated...YES! I thought... She shares home decor on her instagram @BlessedCrazyTXNest as well as ideas to throw parties for family and friends. So check that out for inspiration! To support this podcast, shop for anything you want on AMAZON by first clicking into our store of favorites.  Thanks for supporting this podcast through that as well as reviews, and shares when you love it!