Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#049 Talking through Grief



I'm delighted to share with you a conversation with my husband today. Even though we are chatting about grief, it's lighthearted. It's subdued in the beginning, but not heavy. It's hopeful and introspective as we share our thoughts on the recent passing away of his younger brother.  We discuss how we each grieve, what we appreciate hearing from others offering their condolences, and how grief isn't just about death. In our chat we reference my Instagram account where I shared a lot of thoughts before and after his brother passed away (and currently still saved in the highlights under "Steve"). In our chat, I also spoked about a few other blog posts on my website: My Love Story How to Help a Grieving Friend Losing a Brother How to Plan a Funeral (coming soon) Do I pray for a Miracle or Peace in God's Will? (coming soon) I invite you to join the follow up discussion on Instagram (@CapturingJoy.KristenDuke) and share your thoughts on this episode! ***If you loved this episode, share it with a friend! Click t