Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#048 Part 3: The 13 Articles of Faith



Welcome to Part 3 of the discussion on my faith, which is all about our most basic beliefs and doctrine, The 13 Articles of Faith.  As a child, I memorized them, and I've encouraged my kids to do the same. Just 13 verses, but they explain what it is exactly that we believe as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Hopefully you already listened to Part 1, which was an interview with my friend Abby, a recent convert to the faith. And then Part 2 where I share the origin, background, and history of The Book of Mormon and how it came to be. An introduction, if you will.  If you'd like to read the 13 articles of Faith in full, click on the link, and you're there! Please feel free to reach out to me via email (, Instagram (@CapturingJoy.KristenDuke), with any questions or something you'd love to hear explained even more. I'd be happy to mail you a free copy of The Book of Mormon if you are interested as well.