Small Business With Steve Strauss Powered By Microsoft

Your Dorm Room Money Machine



This episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss powered by Microsoft, is all about young entrepreneurs. We all catch the entrepreneurship-spirit at different times in life, but it's fascinating to learn how others got their start. The best thing about being in this field is that we all get to learn from each other! Steve starts the show off with some amazing origin stories of a number of businesses you know very well. From Google to FedEx to WordPress, you'll learn all about the unique situations and circumstances that led to some of the most successful companies of all time. The guests on today's show actually started their business out of their dorm room! Erika Welsh and Keeley Tillotson launched an extremely successful Kickstarter campaign for their product, Wild Squirrel Nut Butter. They even appeared on Shark Tank! We find out all about how they launched their business from the ground up.