Traction: How Startups Start | Nextview Ventures

#7: Traction by a Thousand Cuts (Kathryn Minshew, The Muse)



Kathryn Minshew, co-founder and CEO of career platform The Muse, shares tactical details from her scrappy founding story. Today, The Muse generates over 4 million monthly views and offers job postings from and visual windows into hundreds companies, ranging from Uber and Facebook to HBO and Adidas.   STARTUP LESSONS YOU'LL LEARN: - Tactics to build audience for a startup - What the very FIRST step to building an audience of millions should be - Clever uses of channels blogging, email, social, and more   GREAT STORIES YOU'LL HEAR: - Kathryn's fight for early traffic through some very non-scalable means - How the first promotion discussion of her career led to an uncomfortable moment and, in a positive twist, some national press for The Muse   LINKS MENTIONED: - Kathryn's company: - Kathryn's Twitter: @kmin - Snow Fall (New York Times):   COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: - Casey Henry, Growth Expert & Marketing Analyst, Wistia - @caseyhen - Andy Crest