Massively Op

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 16



Free-to-play: Is it the albatross around the neck of the doomed or the ray of salvation that could spell years of bounty to come? That's but one of many exciting topics that the podcast crew tackles today! Also, ham and milk! Seriously! Join us on the podcast as we talk about what we’ve been playing in MMOs, the top news stories from the past week, and topics that listeners have submitted! Show notes: Adventures in MMOs: Marvel Heroes, WildStar News: WildStar's free-to-play confirmed, birthday News: More details on The Secret World's motorcycles (plus achievement vendor) News: Echo of Souls soft-launches News: Greed Monger bows out News: Marvel Heroes frees retcons, commits to monthly tuning Mailbag: Races that need to get into MMOs and cosmetics Mailbag: Multiboxing and milk Mailbag: How small can a MMO be and keep going Other info: Podcast theme: "Protostar Theme" from WildStar Your show hosts: Bree, Justin Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, and Pocket Casts Follow