Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

Do You Know How To Be A Good Ally? with Dr. Meg Warren



Dr. Meg Warren is an Assistant Professor of Management at Western Washington University. Meg’s award-winning research uses a positive psychology approach to study how individuals from relatively privileged groups can serve as allies to marginalized outgroups. She’s a co-editor of the International Journal of Wellbeing and the lead editor of two books, Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology and Toward a Positive Psychology of Relationships. In this week’s episode, we explore what the latest research is finding on how we can be better allies in workplaces and why many workplace diversity and inclusion policies fail to make a positive difference. Connect with Dr. Meg Warren: https://megwarren/home You’ll Learn: [ 03:15] - Meg offers some advice for how we can more readily step into conversations about allyship with each other, even when we’re worried about saying the wrong things. [07:07] - Meg shares how researchers define who is in a relatively privileged group and who is in a marginalized outgroup. [09