Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

Can You Improve The Health & Performance Of Your Team? with Dominic Price



Today we’re talking to Dominic Price who is the Work Futurist at Atlassian Software, an Australian multinational that develops products for software development, project management, and content management including our teams’ all-time favorite tool, Trello. Dom has responsibilities spanning seven global research and development centers, and he is the in house team doctor who helps Atlassian scale by being ruthlessly efficient and effective with one eye on the future, and he’s personally run hundreds of sessions with Atlassian’s teams globally to help them build healthy and high-performing teams. In this week’s episode, we explore evidence-based, playful practices to improve the health and performance of teams – even in the midst of challenges. Connect with Dominic Price: You’ll Learn: [02:22] - Dom shares his insights on some of the biggest changes that you think workplaces might face when it comes to trying to bring out the best in their people as they start to look ahead to