Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

Can You Buffer Against Burnout? with Dr Gail Gazelle



Today we’re talking to Dr. Gail Gazelle, who is a former hospice physician, part-time Harvard Medical School Assistant Professor, and Master Certified Coach for physicians. Over the past decade, Gail has coached hundreds of physician leaders on leadership development, mindfulness, and building resilience. Her passion is to provide physicians the resilience skills not covered in training that make the difference between burnout and surviving the marathon of a medical career. Gail is also a long-time mindfulness practitioner and teacher and has recently released a book called – ‘Everyday Resilience. A Practical Guide to Build Inner Strength and Weather Life’s Challenges ’. In this week’s podcast, we explore how we can reduce burnout in our workplaces. Connect with Dr. Gail Gazelle: You’ll Learn: [02:01] - Gail shares what’s leading to physician burnout. [04:05] - Gail paints a picture of burnout culture for physicians and what it can cost them. [05:31] - Gail shares how the pande