Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

Is Your Willpower Running Low? with Roy Baumeister



Roy Baumeister is one of the world’s most prolific and influential psychologists. He has published well over 500 scientific articles and more than 30 books. In 2013, he received the highest award given by the Association for Psychological Science, the William James Fellow Award. He is a professor of Psychology at Florida State University.   Wish you had more willpower to stick to your resolutions?  Roy’s early studies found that generally self-control works like a muscle – it gets tired when you exercise it, but if you exercise it a lot, it seems to get stronger. Recently he is finding a link between your willpower and your body’s energy system, so when you are feeling tired, hungry, or run down your levels of self-control may be lower. Hear how self-control can help you manage the challenges of life. Connect with Roy Baumeister: Website: You’ll Learn: [01:45] – Roy explains why self-control seems more important and powerful than self-esteem. [04:30] – Roy describes his findings