Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

Is Positive Psychology Too Focused on the Individual? with Peggy Kern



Peggy Kern is a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education in the Center for Positive Psychology. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles, and her research addresses the question, “Who flourishes, and why?” Are we oversimplifying positive psychology?  While the field has made much progress over the last 15 years in helping people find ways to improve their wellbeing, however, at best interventions are only beneficial for some people, some of the time, and are far from a magic bullet for everyone in all situations.  Peggy suggests combining positive psychology’s focus on the individual with systems science to take into account the complex reality of our everyday contexts, could assist target interventions for individuals and the collective good. Connect with Peggy Kern: Website: You’ll Learn: [01:36] – Peggy has been working with a team of collaborators at Melbourne University that merges positive psychology with systems science to create positi