Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Covid 19 And Your Online Business - A Message For My Community



Given the current circumstances, I felt a strong pull to create this video for my community. This is a challenging time and I encourage us to come together to help lift one another up. Yes, things are uncertain but it is now more than ever that I want to encourage you to step-up and be a leader in your industry. New information is coming out daily. Many of us, have had major adjustments in our lives over the last week, including having our kids home full time or even losing our job. This is absolutely a challenging time. Let's expand instead of contracting. We entrepreneurs have a duty to contribute to the economy.    I have worked extensively in the online industry for the better part of the last decade and I want each of you to know that I am here to help and support you. If you are lonely, need ideas, aren't sure what technology to use. Please reach out to my personal email If there is a will, we can find a way to make your business work. You are not alone and I want to be