Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Goodbye 2019! How To End Off Your Year Strong And Get Ready For 2020



2019 has been a year of ups and downs. Very high, highs and very low, lows. I’ve learned more lessons this year than any year previously and I’ve grown more than I ever have before. I’ve learned to say no to things that aren’t in alignment with my goals but I failed to move only 1 initiative forward even though that is what I encourage my clients to do. I’ve learned to lead and manage a team. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve celebrated. I’ve shed a lot of the weight of my past in pursuit of moving forward. It’s been a wild, wild ride and it is only just beginning. One of the biggest lessons this year has been about moving two separate initiatives forward. 2019 was definitely a transition year for me. I moved two horses forward this year and it was a big challenge. I thought my business was big enough to be able to do both but neither were as successful as I had projected. While I still did extremely well. I didn’t hit the number goals we set out. And that’s ok. I learned so much as a result and that was to commit to