Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#39: The Burger King ‘Proud Whopper’ Case Study [Podcast]



Below are the items mentioned in this episode of the podcast. Where's the Beef in Burger King's 'Proud Whopper' Campaign? How Burger King Recently Brought Out The Intolerance Of Facebook Christians (Video) Three (3) critical mistakes you don't want to say in a crowd of LGBT people... Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below. One of the plenary sessions featured a prominent business man who was amazing and brilliant in his business advice and acumen! However, during his speech he hit three (of the many) critical mistakes in mis-communicating with the LGBT community. When he said them I cringed a little on his behalf. He was so passionate, so genuine and so authentic with his care for the community, but he wasn’t armed with the right way to effectively communicate. All three things he said have been the subject of previous blog posts or material in my new book. What was so fascinating is that I had many people come up to me and say ‘hey, can you believe he said that?’ or ‘I’ve read that on you