Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

What have you deleted from 2019?



Happy 2020, I am so looking forward to sharing more Practical Magic goodness with you over the airwaves this year. January is all about creating your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year ahead, but before we go rushing full steam into it like excited puppies, we are going to take some space for a little pause to review and reflect on the year that's been. As humans we tend to bunch information up, and give a generalised view of one year to the next, because if we tried to process 365 days all at the same time, we would fall over. Often we use a 'catch-all' term for a year that's been, whether it was 'good', or 'bad', 'great' or an 'annus horribilis'.  On the show today, I'm talking about what you may have deleted, distorted or generalised from you year in 2019 and why it's important to get into some of the detail, so that you get more of what you want, and less of what you don't want for 2020. There's still time to sign up for the FREE 5 day mini course to activate your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL 2020.