Results Over Bs

The #1 Way To Get High Paying Clients Online



‘Free consultations’ are dead. One of the most common mistakes coaches make when trying to get high-paying clients online is blasting links everywhere, begging people to book a free consultation call with them. Offering a free consultation is nothing more than a 45 minute ‘disguised’ sales call. And in today’s day, if you want to grow a highly profitable online coaching business, this is a losing strategy. Instead, you must learn and master a process for predictably enrolling new high-paying clients without the sleazy sales calls or tricking people into providing value. In this episode, Marquel walks you through his ancient ‘results in advance’ strategy. A way of getting all the high-paying online clients you could ever wish for by thinking in ways of abundance and value. Don’t forget to head over to to get instant access to Marquel’s free ‘rapid business growth bundle.’ Thanks for listening to Results Over BS. Marquel loves to hear from his listeners! If you have questions you'd like him