Results Over Bs

7-Figure Productivity Hacks



The truth is, most online business owners spend most of their time overwhelmed. Social media, business meetings, operations texts and emails. Team members relying on you and a thousand deadlines to meet, shutting up shop isn’t an option for you. The problem is that most people confuse being ‘busy’ with being ‘productive’. In today's Results Over BS episode, Marquel shares his top 3 productivity hacks to get more out of your valuable time as an entrepreneur or business owner. Show Highlights: How to escape the ‘busy trap’ (1:00) How to use batching to become more productive (3:45) Eugene Schwartz’s ‘33.33’ method for getting tasks done (5:20) Busy Vs Productive It’s so easy to confuse being busy with being productive. In short, you feel a sense of satisfaction, but in the longterm, you realise your time hasn’t been used optimally to get you closer to your goals. Here’s the key difference: Busy people work hard. Productive people work hard and smart. Don’t forget to head over to to get ins