Hustlesmarter With Angie Garner | Motivation | Confidence | Leadership | Network Marketing | Health | Marriage | Money | Mlm

NEW SEASON!! A lesson in happiness: stop chasing the fantasy island of "easy"



“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” -Roosevelt I'm back in action, Champions! After a five month break I've had major breakthrough and clarity, allowing me to best serve you with content that motivates and inspires you to continue forging ahead on the road less traveled.  You will notice that I am narrowing in on my subject and moving forward I will be training and sharing stories specific to growing a business in direct sales. The #HustleSmarter Lifestyle is about getting free financially and leveraging your time so you can do more stuff that matters, and I strongly believe running a direct sales/MLM/network marketing business is the fastest way to do so for most people.  On today's episode I give you a little update on what I've been working on the last few months as well as a training on how to live in a p