

Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:  perish.”   “Starting a business is hard. Trading creative and time freedom for a salary with benefits is hard. Choose your hard!”   The cost of living is rising at such a fast pace (on the west coast, especially!), it is nearly impossible to live off one income. Dual income is great but what if you could have three income streams? Or four or five? How would that change things for your family?    The Internet is an entrepreneurs dream for starting a side-hustle with low risk and low investment. But you need to know how to use it wisely!    There are loads of ways to make money online and on this episode I break down the five most popular that don’t require you to be a Mark Zuckerberg-ish prodigy.    And no matter which route you go, you need to build your brand. YOU are the product. People follow people. Make sure to hop on my waiting list for “Be Your Own Brand Academy” to be first in line when doors open – SIGN UP HERE: