

Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:  perish.”   “For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating.”   Introverts, I feel your pain. Being around large groups of people can leave you feeling extremely drained. You can think of a lot of other things you’d rather do than end up at a social event where you hardly know anyone. Small talk makes you want to scream. You need your alone time. It’s when you thrive and create and dream and plan.    I am not shy, I am not afraid of public speaking, and believe it or not, I DO like people!! But I am as introverted as they come. An introvert simply GETS energy being alone.    I have found ways to use my introverted nature to enhance my network marketing business opposed to take away from it. On this episode I share with a few ideas to help introverts excel in a business world that glorifies extroverts.