Hustlesmarter With Angie Garner | Motivation | Confidence | Leadership | Network Marketing | Health | Marriage | Money | Mlm

42: The TRUTH about working from home (and how to do it successfully)



Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:    “$1,000,000 in the bank isn't the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.”   Some people love it, some people say they “would never get any work done”.    I’ve never had a 9-5 job in my life. The only office I’ve ever had to go to was the gym and the commute was never longer than 10 minutes. Most of the time I walked. And I very much prefer it this way.    I love calling the shots in my life and my guess is- you do too. On this episode, I break down my routine for major success working from home and how I design my day!