

Hustle Smarter with Angie Garner is brought to you by:     “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”   Is purpose a word that leaves you a bit…daunted?    In this episode I walk you through a few questions I asked myself when I was at rock bottom financially, emotionally, physically. I was so disconnected from my purpose and I wasn’t waking up excited for life. Becoming self-aware and pinpointing what truly brings me joy and allows me to make a difference was a game changer!    The book I mention in this show is “Undaunted” by Christine Caine.    Here is a link to LADIES NIGHT happening on March 9th, 2017 in Bellevue, WA:    …It is going to be an incredible, inspirational evening diving into YOUR goals and dreams.    See you champions, there!!