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28 You don’t need time to retire, you need money (+ 3 ideas for additional income streams)



The American DayDream is brought to you by:    You may be one of the rare few born into wealth, found yourself a sugar daddy/mama, or bought Apple stock in the 90s. But if you AREN’T- and you love the idea of living a freedom-based lifestyle earlier than 72 years old- you’ve gotta listen to my message today.    You see, through the school system and the generations before us, we have been taught to follow a predictable pathway for success: get straight As in high school and be the varsity captain, go to a good college and get a respectable career, get married and have babies, go back to school to get a raise and more letters after your name, cross fingers and hope to retire by age 65.    This just never sounded appealing to me. I dreamed of waking up to the birds, not to an alarm clock. I dreamed of never having to check the bank account before making a decision. I dreamed of working 20 hours/week and earning 7 figures.    I knew the traditional route would never get