

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “A big dream is beyond your human capability to accomplish.”    When you tell people you are traveling the world their first thought is usually, “Wow. HOW are you doing that?!”    Putting your belongings in storage to go on extended travel is nothing novel…lots of people do it. My husband has dreamed of it for years and years- since he read “Vagabonding” and “The Four Hour Workweek”.    Me? Wasn’t a dire dream of mine but I DO dream of inspiring people to go after the tugs on their heart to be more, experience more, live more. And, hey, I don’t mind the incredible time with my hubs and I sure am getting used to this #laptoplifestyle.    I knew we needed a plan to make it happen. I wanted to see my Jamesy’s big dream come alive.    And I also knew…we aren’t the backpacking, hostel-saying type. I wish I was more down to earth but…just not happening.    So, I started mapping it out. Here is what it looked like:    1. Put lif