

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “Confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.”    My interview with long-time friend, Rachel Elizabeth, is the perfect way to wrap up our month of being Confidently YOU.    I have known Rachel nearly her entire 20s and watched her walk through the process to become the humble woman of God she is now. She is an absolute LIGHT everywhere she goes. She brims with confidence- and humility.    But it wasn’t always this way. She tried to do it all on her own for a long time. She tried to muscle-out her success by striving to achieve and be the best.    It wasn’t until she had a “wake up call” that she committed her life to growth…to walk with faith and boldness. She recognized that nothing and nobody would take her further than her Holy Counselor…God is limitless.    Take the time to listen to her beautiful message and journey as she shares how her definition of success has shifted and has allowed her