

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “You will never influence the world trying to be like it.”    I’m BACK! That’s right. Back with weekly wisdom for you to listen to while sitting in traffic, folding your laundry, or doing some steady state cardio.    And I want to kick off the month of September by talking about being Confidently YOU.     You see, I love teaching and training others how to get what they want.    I’ve gravitated towards leadership since I was little girl. I like paving the way. I like the challenge of setting out towards an intimidating vision. I like the responsibility of making decisions.    Bigger influence = bigger impact.  Bigger impact = bigger income.    Because I believe anyone can build influence, throughout the last five years of leading a large organization in the direct sales industry, I continually search for ways myself and my team can grow in this area. I’ve often pondered, “why is it that some people start their business wi