

The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Success is not to be pursued- is attracted by what we become…   Today I talk with you about your next steps for personal development.   People are counting on you to become more! What you become is far more important than what you get. In other words, to have more than you've got, you’ll need to become more than you are.   This is where you should focus most of your attention. Rack up new skills, not titles. Stay fresh on the inside. There are always new levels of getting uncomfortable.   That’s why I designed this mindSWEAT Reset and why I designed my #HustleSmarter Bootcamp.   So what’s your plan? Are you ready to lock arms with me?   I’m going to help you make great money and become a truly different person in the process.   I want to invite you to join my #HustleSmarter Bootcamp. Apply at > work with me > apply now.   I’m going to help you uncover what it is you really want, and work backwards with you to make it