

The American DayDream is brought to you by:   When we give generously-with an abundance mindset- what we give away will multiply…   Today is about money. Both giving money just to give- and investing money to reap what you sew.   The most successful leaders I know are the biggest givers. And they are also the wisest investors.   The scarcity mindset revolves around the idea that there simply isn’t enough to go around and it also creates sadness and jealousy. The abundance mindset, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. People with an abundant mindset believe there is plenty out there and enough for everybody.   James and I operate from a place of abundance. But it wasn’t always this way for me.   I had a lot of fear to overcome about the lack of money. I had a tight grasp on my money and was terrified of going broke. I never wanted to have to ask anyone for a dime.   Daily gratitude changed everything for me. Taking those leaps of faith and gi